
I genuinely believe that society is wrong about what you should do from 20 to 35.

When you are young, independent, ambitious and also a bit naive, you should just go for what you want without regrets. You should go as high risk as you can – out of your comfort zone as possible.

This is exactly when you should quit the job you deeply started to hate although you have not completed the 2-year rule (which is also a very stupid “rule”. Who invented that you should not stay less in a company than 2 years just because it may not look good on your CV?)

This is exactly when you should just travel around South America, or Asia or any other country and and expand your view on culture, language, way of living and empathic understanding. I remember travelling through South America, seeing poverty  and children playing with rubbish and plastic bottles and I realized that I really have nothing to complaint about in my life. That I have the luck to be born in Europe and having the opportunities, people would give everything for having the ones I had and still have,

This is exactly when you run off to Hollywood or New York and just try to be a dancer because you always loved dancing. Or when you just follow your passions and do for a while the things you always wanted to do. Where you immerse yourself completely in your passions and interests and free your mind.

Even though it is writing poems all day.
Even though it is painting and drawing all day.
Even though it is playing guitar all day
Even though it is learning a new language all day.

This is exactly when you cut relationsships that are poisonous and are going to break you in the future. This is exactly when you meet as many people as you can from as many backgrounds as possible. This is exactly when you just worry about yourself and not what other people may think of you and of your decisions.

This is exactly when you are fearless. When you want something and just go for it with all your heart and all your courage. When you do not worry about risks or about impossibility.

This is exactly when you start that business or work as a freelancer because you always loved the freedom you may achieve and start building something you are passionate about. When you do not have a company that tells you how you should do the work.

Society always pushes people into security, responsibility and dependence too early. Society always tries to keep you in one role and does not appreciate flexibility. Two years in marketing – always marketing, 5 years in the banking sector – forever banking. Society also puts a lot of pressure on every one of us. You must have good grades to get a good job, you must have the perfect CV.

This golden cage kills all the creativity and all the potential every individuum has. Because in my point of view you can always go back and go for a job later on. It is just a job at the end of the day. Your job will never justify the life you have lived.

I believe one of the biggest reasons why people become unhappy or why depression and mid-life crisis are such huge topics because people “should” take the secure path instead of being taught to create a self-discipline to be dauntless.

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